Join Indian Army : Open Lashkari Bharti Melo for Gujarat April May 2018


Open Lashkari Bharti Melo - Rajkot & Godhra April May 2018

Indian Army Tentative scheduled to organize bharti rally for ARO Jamnagar & ARO Ahmedabad at Rajkot & Godhra under ZRO HQ Pune Zone. Indian Army ARO Jamnagar Recruitment Rally, Rajkot & Godhra Gujarat Bharti Jobs 2017-2018 as online registration, dates, qualification, physical, exam pattern, syllabus, admit card etc latest information is given here.

Gujarat Army Rally 2018

Important Dates:

  • Jamnagar ARO-
  • Venue: Rajkot
  • Rally Start Date: 26-04-2018
  • Rally End Date: 05-05-2018
  • Ahmedabad ARO-
  • Venue: Godhra
  • Rally Start Date: 21-03-2018
  • Rally End Date: 04-05-2018
  • Reilly Time (Venue Entry before): 02.00 AM 

  • Posts:

  1. Soldier - General Duty
  2. Soldier - Tech (Technical)
  3. Soldier - Technical (Aviation & Ammunition Examiner)
  4. Soldier - Tradesman (Washerman, Chef, Dresser, Equipment Repairer and House Keeper)
  5. Soldier - (Clerk  / Storekeeper)
  6. Soldier - Tech (Nursing Assistant)
  7. Age Limit
  8. Soldier GD - 17½ to 21 Years
  9. Soldier Clerk/SKT, Soldier Technical, NA & NA (Vet), Tradesmen - 17½ to 23 Years

  • Educational Qualification

  1. Soldier General Duty (GD) - 10th pass with 45% marks in aggregate and 33% in each subject. In case of 12th and higher education, stipulation of percentage is waived off.
  2. Soldier Clerk/ SKT - 12th/ 10+2/ Intermediate Exam pass with 60% Marks in aggregate (minimum 50% Marks in each subject) and have studied English & Maths/ Accounts/ Book Keeping in Class 12th or 10th.
  3. Soldier Technical - 12th pass in Science with Physics, Chemistry, Maths & English with minimum 50% Marks in aggregate and minimum 40% Marks in each subject.
  4. Soldier Nursing Assistant (NA) - 12th Pass in Science stream with Physics, Chemistry, Biology & English with 50% marks in aggregate and minimum 40% in each subject.
  • Soldier Tradesmen - 10th/ 08th pass

  • How To Apply Online?

  1. 1. Login through the website “”
  2. 2. Click on ‘JCO / OR Apply / Login’
  3. 3. Click on Registration. fill all the details.
  4. 4. Click on Submit button.
  5. 5. Take printout of application for future use
Bharti Online Registration and Admit Card
Eligible candidates may apply online for ARO Jamnagar & Ahmedabad (Pune Zone) Recruitment Rally through the website. Fresh candidates are required to go through the one-time registration process. After online registration all candidates may submit online application to get their Roll number. Thereafter you may appear in the open recruitment rally at Rajkot and Godhra Gujarat on respective dates (as given in Admit Card).
You will have to carry all required documents such as educational certificates/ marks sheet, domicile certificate, character certificate, unmarried certificate, ID proof, other certificates (NCC/Computer/Sports etc), passport size photographs, admit card etc at the rally venue (place).


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