Two years increase in the hiring of railway in the age limit

Two years increase in the hiring of railway in the age limit

The recruitment process has been carried out on 89,000 posts in the railway section as the government has moved towards creating opportunities for employment in the country. Today, there is a golden opportunity for unemployed youths who want to get jobs in the railways, and the Railway Recovery Board has made several changes to RRB recruitment rules. In which the candidate's age limit has been increased by two years.

In the Indian Railways, there are 89,000 vacancies for Group D and Group C for recruitment. In which two years of age are increased for the post of Level 1 and 2 in Group C. This has also increased the age limit for the Reserved category. Apart from this, another major decision has also been made. This time the Railways will be examined in various regional languages. It includes Mullaalam, Tamil, Kannada, Audio, Telugu, Bengal and other languages.

The online form process has started for various 89,409 locations. Standard 10,12 or ITI passed students qualify for recruitment. People will be recruited to places including pilots, technicians, track supervisors, points man, helper, gatemen and ports. Students can apply standard 10 and ITI passed students for Group C. When required for second level examination in Group C, engineering in standard 10 pass or diploma is required.

Read in details here

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