Deendayal Port Trust - DPT published an official notification for Recruitment of Secretary for 01 posts. Eligible candidates can apply for this recruitment. You can view more details about this recruitment including No. of posts, name of post, Educational qualification, Age limit, Selection process, How to apply etc... You can also view official notification and other important facts about this recruitment e.g. Important links and Important dates.
- Job details
- No. of posts: 01
- Name of posts: Secretary
- Eligibility Criteria:
- Educational Qualification
- A Degree from a recognized university.
- 17th years experience in executive cadre in the field of General Relations etc.. in an Industrial / Commercial / Govt. Undertaking
- Age limit
- Not more than 45 years
- Selection Process
- Final Selection will be based on personal interview
- How to Apply
- The names of the eligible and willing officers, who satisfy the provisions of recruitment rules for the above mentioned post, may be forwarded together with their applications in the prescribed format (Annexure-II), alongwith the following documents, to this office on or before 16/07/2018:-
- Attested copies of ACRs of the applicants for the last 5 years.
- Attested copies of all certificates.
- No-Objection Certificates of respective Ports.
- An undertaking of the applicant not to withdraw, if selected.
- Vigilance / Administrative clearance of the concerned Ports in the Proforma prescribed by the Ministry (Annexure-III)
- Important Dates
- Advertisement No.: GA/PS/1503/SEC/2018/1525
- Last date for application: 16/07/2018 (till 05.30 PM)